Foreign Trade of the State of Acre, Brazil, Between 2019 and 2022: An Analysis of Commercial Interactions



Palabras clave:

Foreign Trade, Exports, Imports, Economic Development, Acre


Purpose: The objective of this study was to analyze import and export operations in the state of Acre between 2019 and 2022, aiming to understand the importance of local foreign trade and its recent advancements.


Theoretical framework: The continuous evolution of trade interactions between nations is crucial for economic development, regardless of a country's economic stage, and foreign trade emerges as a fundamental pillar for this growth. However, despite Brazil being one of the largest global economies, its exports still do not reach their full potential, highlighting the importance of studying foreign trade, especially in the context of the state of Acre, due to its strategic location and potential in the Amazon Region.


Methodology: This study adopts a descriptive approach and quantitative methodology to meticulously analyze import and export operations in the period from 2019 to 2022, using official data from the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade, and Services (MDIC), available on the Comex Stat electronic platform.


Findings: The analysis recorded a notable increase in exports, mainly to Peru, the United States, and Hong Kong, driven by the growth of exports of wood, nuts, corn, and soybeans, while imports also grew, with China being the main source of imported products. Maritime transport emerged as the predominant mode for both exports and imports, highlighting the importance of the Pacific Highway for the state's commercial transactions.


Research, practical & social implications: Future research should investigate how the understanding of the presented data can influence the planning for sustainable economic growth in Acre, as well as its global integration in trade, considering relations with strategically neighboring countries.


Originality/value: The results indicate that Acre is strategically expanding its trade based on diversification, integration with key partners, and logistical adaptation, positioning itself for a relevant role in the global scenario and contributing to the development of the Amazon Region.


Los datos de descargas todavía no están disponibles.


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Cómo citar

de Souza, A. C. S., Carvalho, T. M. de S., de Lima Júnior, F. B., Soliani, R. D., Oliveira, P. R. de S., Nora, L. A. R. da S., & Drumond, T. D. R. (2023). Foreign Trade of the State of Acre, Brazil, Between 2019 and 2022: An Analysis of Commercial Interactions. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 8(10), e03696.