


Furniture Industry, Lean Manufacturing, Lean Office, Operational Efficiency, Waste Reduction


Objective: This study aims to investigate the identification and elimination of inefficiencies within the furniture industry, with the overarching goal of enhancing operational effectiveness and productivity.

Theoretical Framework: Drawing upon principles from Lean Manufacturing and Lean Office, this research emphasizes the critical role of waste reduction and process optimization within organizational contexts. Key theoretical underpinnings include Lean Thinking, Value Stream Mapping, and Strategies for Waste Elimination.

Methodology: Employing a case study approach, this research examines the implementation of Lean Office principles within a small-scale furniture manufacturing company. Data collection methods encompass document analysis, direct observation, and interviews with key stakeholders. Specifically, the study focuses on analyzing ten projects undertaken over the past 18 months, assessing their complexity and impact on operational efficiency.

Results and Discussion: Findings reveal a substantial 82.5% reduction in waiting time following the adoption of Lean Office principles. This reduction translates to enhanced customer service, improved product quality, and cost savings. The discussion section contextualizes these findings within the theoretical framework, highlighting implications and identified relationships, while also acknowledging potential discrepancies and limitations.

Implications of the Research: The practical and theoretical implications of this study provide valuable insights into strategies for operational enhancement within the furniture industry. These insights extend to areas such as process optimization, waste reduction, and organizational efficiency, with potential applications across various sectors.

Originality/Value: This study contributes to the existing literature by demonstrating the effectiveness of Lean Office principles in addressing inefficiencies within administrative environments. Its innovative approach to operational improvement underscores its relevance and potential impact on organizational practices.


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How to Cite

Hasegawa, H. L., Vaz, C. M. de P., Venanzi, D., & Teixeira, R. L. P. (2024). IDENTIFICATION AND WASTE REDUCTION IN THE FURNITURE INDUSTRY THROUGH LEAN OFFICE. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 9(3), e04472.