



Virtual Teams, Morale, Project Performance, Distract-Free Environment, Technology Adaptation


Background: The continuous advancement of information technology has transformed how businesses and organizations carry out their day-to-day activities. Many people are choosing to work remotely because they are handling a significant number of human interactions through various virtual communication platforms. Remote work facilitates business growth and improves customer service, yet it presents its challenges, necessitating an investigation into virtual team morale to guarantee project success.


Method: This study employed content analysis of readily available secondary data to examine the investigated phenomenon.


Results: The study determined that the key elements for enhancing project success in virtual teams are technology adoption, an environment free from distractions, effective leadership, trust, communication, a well-defined task, active team engagement, and motivation. The study also found that morale strongly influences engagement and productivity in virtual teams. Therefore, when morale is high, virtual teams achieve their optimal performance.


Conclusion: The research concluded that selecting the suitable technology for communication, assigning virtual team members with distinct roles and responsibilities, fostering a culture of accountability and trust within virtual teams, promoting efficient team collaboration, and motivating virtual team members are the most impactful tactics for enhancing employee engagement and performance in virtual teams.


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Author Biography

David Boohene, Faculty Member, Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Sciences, School of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Energy and Natural Resources, Ghana

Faculty Member, Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Sciences,

School of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Energy and Natural Resources, Ghana


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How to Cite

Ibeh, F., Oyekunle, D., & Boohene, D. (2024). EXPLORING EFFECTIVE METHODS TO BOOST VIRTUAL WORKERS’ MORALE FOR IMPROVED PROJECT PERFORMANCE. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 9(3), e04335. https://doi.org/10.26668/businessreview/2024.v9i3.4335