The Role of Social Support and Patient Empowerment Through Online Health Communities in Enhancing Patient–Physician Relationship


  • Mohammad-Noor Said Deeb Okour



Online Health Communities, Social Support, Patient Empowerment, Patient–Physician Relationship


Purpose: The goal of this project is to investigate how online health communities can improve patient-physician relationships by providing social support and patient empowerment.


Theoretical framework: Nowadays, on online health forums, patients can connect with other patients and healthcare professionals and share knowledge and experiences. However, there is a dearth of research on how patient-physician relationships might be improved via online health communities. 


Design/Methodology/Approach: In this analytical study, a sample of 61 individuals receiving treatment in Jordan's private hospitals were given a questionnaire via two of the most popular health communities' Facebook pages.


Findings: The findings showed that while patient empowerment had no impact on the patient-physician connection, computer-mediated social support had an impact on that relationship. These findings support the need to suggest Jordanian online health community models that might strengthen this kind of engagement.  


Research, Practical and Social Implications: Online health community providers need to be aware of the tactics they should use in these communities to strengthen the patient-physician relationship and integrate these efforts into patient treatment. Additionally, these communities can help medical practitioners ensure that patients receive the appropriate information and type of support.


Originality/Value: As online health groups grew, so did the number of patients who relied on them for information and emotional support. Although the majority of studies focused on this type of support, little is known about how it affects the patient-physician interaction.


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How to Cite

Okour, M.-N. S. D. (2023). The Role of Social Support and Patient Empowerment Through Online Health Communities in Enhancing Patient–Physician Relationship. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 8(9), e03809.